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Playlist: Spring 2023 Fundraising Episodes + Anytime Spots

Compiled By: PRX Editors


Fresh, innovative fundraising spots — TAL & Snap Judgment hosts compete for the best story and more — plus full fundraiser episodes from PRX shows!

Full Episodes

Spring 2023 This American Life Pledge Show & New Modules

From This American Life | Part of the This American Life Fundraising and Generic Promos series | 39:48

A new pledge show for Spring 2023, including brand new modules featuring Ira Glass and Snap Judgment Host Glynn Washington

Default-piece-image-0 A new pledge show for Spring 2023, including brand new modules featuring Ira Glass and Snap Judgment Host Glynn Washington

On the Mat - Snap 2023 Spring Fundraiser

From Snap Judgment | Part of the Snap Judgment Fundraisers series | 34:59

Anthony Robles was born with one leg, but that didn’t stop him from joining the wrestling team.

Onthemat-2_small A one-legged high schooler wrestles his weight class and with his identity. Snap Judgment presents, “On the Mat.” A story that takes us into the fight where there’s more at stake than a championship.

Spring 2023 Fundraising Special

From The Moth | Part of the The Moth Fundraising Material series | 43:04

A fundraising hour for stations carrying The Moth Radio Hour weekly. In this episode, stories of learning all about the stranger inside us—discovering or rediscovering elements of ourselves. This episode is hosted by Jay Allison, producer of The Moth Radio Hour.


95 year old park ranger Betty Reid Soskin squares off with an intruder.
Michael Watson wants to participate in the sports culture in his high school.
Katie Rivard copes with professional struggles by enrolling in dance class. 
While coming to terms with his sexuality, Phill Branch finds self-acceptance over the course of attending two different proms with very different outcomes.

"Spring 2023 Fundraiser" with Casey Parks & Thunderstorm Artis

From Live Wire! Radio | Part of the Fundraising Materials series | 48:45

This episode is a pledge edition of Live Wire that features writer and Washington Post reporter Casey Parks, plus music from singer-songwriter Thunderstorm Artis.

Live_wire_spr_2022_fr_thumb_small This episode is a pledge edition of Live Wire that features writer and Washington Post reporter Casey Parks, plus music from singer-songwriter Thunderstorm Artis.

2023 Spring Fundraiser: Unconventional Healing / Predicting Success

From Wisconsin Public Radio | Part of the To The Best of Our Knowledge Fundraisers series | 01:23:32

In this special fundraising edition of "To the Best of Our Knowledge," host Anne Strainchamps samples some of our best interviews about better listening and intelligent optimism.

Itunes_squareart_medium_small PROMO FOR "UNCONVENTIONAL HEALING"
When you live with a mental illness, you learn the drill: Take your meds. Call your doctor. See how you feel in a month. But don't we need a bigger toolkit? In this special fundraising edition of "To The Best Of Our Knowledge," stories of unconventional healing.

We invest so much in our jobs, relationships and futures without knowing how they'll turn out. In this special fundraising hour of "To the Best of Our Knowledge," we wonder if the secret to success could be found in an algorithm.

March 2023 Fundraiser: Heat, Meat, Rice and Veg: Welcome to Hmong Cuisine!

From Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Radio | Part of the Christopher Kimball's Milk Street Radio Fundraising series | 34:12

We learn the elements of Hmong cooking from chef Yia Vang. He tells us about traditional dishes such as stuffed chicken legs and braised mustard greens, how to make 60 gallons of hot sauce and how his father escaped through the jungle at the end of the Vietnam War. Plus, Dan Pashman makes the case for a better vegetable sandwich and we search Jordan for the lightest, crispiest falafel.***In addition to the fundraising-friendly content, we have a variety of options to support your fundraising efforts, including pitching with our host, Christopher Kimball, and lots of options for giveaway items, including Milk Street cookbooks, magazines, unique pantry items, cookware, knives, and more. For more information, please email Sean Nesbitt (sean.nesbitt@prx.org) and Caroline Davis (cdavis@177milkstreet.com).***

Msl_radio_logo_cobrand_prx_small We learn the elements of Hmong cooking from chef Yia Vang. He tells us about traditional dishes such as stuffed chicken legs and braised mustard greens, how to make 60 gallons of hot sauce and how his father escaped through the jungle at the end of the Vietnam War. Plus, Dan Pashman makes the case for a better vegetable sandwich and we search Jordan for the lightest, crispiest falafel.***In addition to the fundraising-friendly content, we have a variety of options to support your fundraising efforts, including pitching with our host, Christopher Kimball, and lots of options for giveaway items, including Milk Street cookbooks, magazines, unique pantry items, cookware, knives, and more. For more information, please email Sean Nesbitt (sean.nesbitt@prx.org) and Caroline Davis (cdavis@177milkstreet.com).***

REVEAL Fundraising Special Episode Spring 2023

From Reveal | 44:47

For the 2023 Spring fundraising season, Reveal presents three stories that took us beyond the news headlines of the year.




A Block: Guillermina  Runtime: 19:28  (plus 1:10 min music tail) 


B Block: Roe Church  Runtime: 13:09  (plus 0:54 music tail) 


C Block: Aysha  Runtime: 09:02 (plus 1:04 music tail)

Final Break



Suggested pitch language:


Welcome to a special episode of REVEAL from the Center for Investigative Reporting and P-R-X on (STATION). I’m _____ with ______.

Reveal is going to sound a bit different today. The team has pulled together some of their biggest stories that took you beyond the news headlines of the year.  

In this first story, Reporter Ese [Essay] Olumhense [Oh-loom-essay] looked at how states were making certain types of voting a crime. And how one woman became the center of Arizona’s restrictive voting laws without even knowing it. 

When you become a member of (STATION), you’re demonstrating your commitment to independent public radio and your appreciation for the kind of in-depth storytelling you get from shows like REVEAL. With every pledge (STATION) receives today, you tell us this type of programming matters to you. (PHONE & WEB)

Your support makes it possible for (STATION) to bring you the programs you listen to every day, programs like ______, ________, and Reveal. (PHONE & WEB)

Thanks for supporting (STATION) and enjoy the next hour of Reveal.

A Block (0:00 - 20:37)

IQ: *music* “From the Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX, this is a special pledge drive episode of Reveal. I’m Al Letson.”

OQ @ 19:18 

“This story was reported by Reveal’s Ese Olumhense and produced by Nadia Hamdan. If you’d like to support more reporting like this...give to your public radio station. Here’s how.”

*followed by 1:10 music tail 



Suggested pitch language:

I’m _________ with _________. You’re listening to REVEAL on (STATION). We’re asking you to make a contribution now to support great investigative journalism. This is our membership drive on (STATION) and we’re reminding you to make a pledge. (PHONE & WEB)

For this next story, reporter Grace Oldham takes us back to the church she grew up in as a child… a church that was part of a community of clergy helping people seek abortions. We hear from the reverend behind the project and learn how a small congregation made a big difference in abortion access. 

You won’t want to miss a moment of this story or the rest of REVEAL here on (STATION).

Please pick up the phone or go online and contribute now. (PHONE & WEB). Make a contribution to support REVEAL and all of your favorite programs on (STATION), including _______, _______, and __________. (PHONE & WEB)

Let us hear from you right now. And thanks for supporting (STATION) (PHONE & WEB)

B Block (0:00– 14:02)

IQ: *music* “From the Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX, this is a special pledge drive episode of Reveal. I’m Al Letson.”

OQ @ 12:36

“That was Reverend Daniel Kanter from the First Unitarian Church of Dallas speaking with Reveal’s Grace Oldham. We checked back with him, and he told us…after Roe, people were afraid to go to the church for help. The Dallas clinic closed – and the church stopped organizing trips to the New Mexico clinic. Reveal is committed to bringing you stories about reproductive rights.

You can enable  journalism like this by supporting this public radio station. Here’s how.”  

*followed by 0:54 music tail*



Suggested pitch language:

I’m _________ with _________. You’re listening to REVEAL on (STATION). We’re asking you to make a contribution now to support great investigative journalism and sound storytelling. (PHONE & WEB)

REVEAL investigates stories in the public interest. REVEAL holds the powerful accountable and gives voice to the voiceless. That’s what makes REVEAL worth listening to. 

In this special episode the team revisits stories that took you deeper into the news headlines. This last story takes place around the time of the U-S’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. We meet a woman named Aysha (EYE-shuh) who spoke to Reveal’s Najib Aminy (na-JEEB ah-MEE-nee) before, and after the Taliban regained control of the country. 

But before we continue with this story, please become a member of (STATION) right now. (PHONE & WEB) 

(STATION) is bringing you this hour of REVEAL because we know you appreciate in-depth journalism - facts delivered with flavor. You hear compelling stories every day on (STATION) thanks to listener support. (PHONE & WEB)

Become a member of (STATION) right now. (PHONE & WEB)

C Block (0:00 - 10:05)

 IQ: *music / Begins with ambience of Children playing in a playground*
“From the Center for Investigative Reporting and PRX, this is Reveal. I’m Al Letson. 

Today, we’re bringing you stories that went beyond the news headlines.” 

OQ @ 08:50

“Our story was produced by Reveal’s Najib Aminy.

Help us bring you stories like this…that go behind the headlines. Support this station. Here’s how.”

*followed by 1:04 music tail 


Suggested pitch language:

I’m ________ with ________. It’s (STATION) membership drive and thanks to all of you who support (STATION). All this hour you've been hearing some of the best stories REVEAL has to offer.

Make that call now and enjoy the next hour of radio knowing you’ve done your part to help pay for the programs we all enjoy on (STATION) (PHONE & WEB)

You listen to stories like the one this hour and also the reporting and interviews on (STATION) and you form your own opinions. That’s why you choose (STATION) for news and information.

Supporting (STATION) is also a choice. We’re asking you to consider all the information, entertainment, culture and inspiration you gain from listening and make a pledge right now. (PHONE & WEB)

Final Times: 

41:39 Reveal content (minus music tails) 

18: 56 Pitch Time

Anytime Spots

2023 PRX Anytime Fundraising Spots

From PRX Specials | Part of the PRX Anytime Fundraising Materials series | 44:28

Fundraising audio that can be used across your dayparts (but preferably inside Morning Edition pledge breaks).

Prx_fundraising2_small Spots will be added here for Spring '23 fundraising and beyond!
For the spots featuring Ira v Glynn please note:

Hello fundraising colleagues!

Our friends at PRX came to me and Snap Judgment's Glynn Washington a few months ago with an idealistic and heartfelt plea to invent something fun and new for this pledge drive. I really loved that they did that and we’re all very excited to roll this stuff out. It’s a series of fundraising spots where Glynn and I compete to tell the best story.

Listeners can vote when they pledge. It’s all designed to do the thing that’s hardest in any pledge drive: give a listener a reason to call RIGHT NOW. They call right now because now’s the time to vote for whose story is best.  

These spots are designed to fit into the longer Morning Edition breaks, or other openings in your schedule. Ideally, of course, we try to keep our pledge spots short.  These are longer than usual only because it eats up time for each of us to tell a decent story! Our advice is to start the pledge break with US (or tell people how to pledge in a sentence and hit our spots), so your pitchers get the maximum time to give the website or phone number after we’re done. 

The package includes three rounds of head-to-head story competition, a spot to play at the end if Glynn has more votes, a spot you play if I get more votes, and an idealistic little spot we cooked up that’s about mission, that you can run anytime. You can run this over two or three hours (that’s my advice) or pack it all into one hour. Each module is self-explaining and stands alone, so it’s fine that your listeners in Hour Two didn’t hear the stuff that happened in Hour One. It’s an uncomplicated contest. Nobody will be confused. You don’t have to run all three rounds for it to work.

We know it adds to your work to count votes! Sorry about that but I hope you’ll agree it’s worth it to try something fun and new. We checked with a few stations about the best way to do the voting and we learned that at most stations, when people pledge online, they can make a comment. In our spots, we tell people to fill out the comment box with their vote, or tell the operator. If your on-air pitcher has access to the comment boxes, he or she can count for him or herself.  


  • Underline that listeners have to call NOW if they want to vote. They can pledge anytime of course but to get the chance to vote, call now. This makes these modules unique and they should be sure to milk it for everything it’s got.

  • Don’t make it sound like it’s obvious which story should win; that’ll kill the fun of the contest. So if there’s just one pitcher, he or she shouldn’t name the story they’d vote for. What would work really beautifully, though, is if there are two pitchers and one picks Glynn and one picks me and they argue the merits of each and encourage listeners to weigh in by pledging and voting. Again, that gives a reason to call now.

  • If you can read the vote counts as they come in, do it! But only if Glynn and I are in a tight battle for first place. Keep the suspense up about who will win.

  • Give the web address and/or phone number and remind people of the mechanics of voting: Fill in the comment box online or tell the operator.

  • There are stories on public radio – on the news shows, on shows like Snap Judgment and This American Life – that you can’t imagine appearing anywhere else on radio.

  • If you find yourself repeating things you hear on this station to your friends and loved ones, don’t you want to keep that stuff coming into your life? Help us bring it to you.

  • Vote! Share your vote on social! Share the fact that you pledged on social! Remind your free-loading friends who listen but don’t pledge that they should join you! (Okay maybe strike the word “free-loading” from that last suggestion, but you get the idea.)

  • If there was a great story on Morning Edition that half-hour, or a memorable story in the last day or two, maybe throw that into the mix and tell listeners they can vote for that one as well. So it’s me vs Glynn vs some unusually good report from wherever. I know that’s an unusual choice, but I think I’m trying to say let your pitchers invent whatever they think might work with this. 


Please email any questions or feedback to membership@prx.org and to me at ira@thislife.org … and my best wishes with this little experiment in its maiden voyage.

Let’s bring in some donations and have some fun!

– Ira 

Additional Anytime Spots


From PRX Specials | Part of the PRX Anytime Fundraising Materials series | 23:04

Fundraising audio that can be used across your dayparts.

Prx_fundraising2_small Fundraising audio that apcan be used across your dayparts. 


From Living On Earth | Part of the Fundraising Materials series | 45:57

Ocean circulation changes, a wolf comeback and renowned conservationist Jane Goodall all feature in Living on Earth's 2024 Spring Fundraiser show for our partner stations.

Living_on_earth_prx_small Ocean circulation changes, a wolf comeback and renowned conservationist Jane Goodall all feature in Living on Earth's 2024 Spring Fundraiser show for our partner stations.